Spread a little love today! We can’t resist those sweet, corny love-inspired messages on Valentine’s Day. In years past, we’ve helped spread the love from a “maker- perspective” — with design-, type-, color- and code-inspired love notes… after all, those are some of the tools we use every day. Here are eight of our favorite messages from 2017 and 2018 as well as two new ones for 2019 for you to share. Just click on the image to share directly to Facebook, and tag the one you love.

Share the love on Facebook by clicking the image.

Click this image to share with the designer in your life.

Spread the love by sharing this image on Facebook.

Click the image to share with the love of your life.

Spread the love on Facebook.

Share this image on Facebook to spread the love.

Click this image to share on Facebook.

Share the image above with the love of your life.

Spread the love on Facebook by clicking the images!