5 Brand Refresh Do’s and Don’ts to Keep You Focused

5 Brand Refresh Do’s and Don’ts to Keep You Focused

5 Brand Refresh Do’s and Don’ts to Keep You Focused

Building a successful brand  – like the business it represents – is not unlike training for a race. It’s more of a marathon than a sprint. You’re not going to break out of the gate at top speed. Instead, you’ll build a steady, sustainable pace that gets you closer and closer to that finish line so that when the time comes, you can finish strong.

Pretty inspiring, right? But for every successful race, there’s a percentage of marathon runners who don’t finish. Bad weather, injuries, or illness can get in the way on race day. But, finish or not, every runner understands that there are months and months of preparation, training, and hard work that go into even getting to the starting line. 

The same can be said for a branding refresh. 

When it comes to branding your business, you have to put in the work to get the results you want. Too often clients come to insight180 with stories of failed branding attempts. Often, we discover that they’d skipped important steps in the process eager to rush into a logo redesign or product name before they were ready.

A successful brand refresh starts at the strategy level. Take the time to uncover, assess and really define who you are and how you want your business to impact the world. Consider the market, gauge current perceptions, and clarify your values and aspirations. Don’t run the risk of losing the race before you even get started. Read on for our top five “Branding Dos and Don’ts” to keep you focused on the finish line. 

1. Take a Breath.

While we all have the occasional urge to put things on the fast track, when it comes to rebranding, it’s important to start with a pause. Focusing on the fundamentals from the beginning will inform each subsequent decision. Begin by taking in all of the data you have available to you. Interview key stakeholders in your company to gauge their temperature on what is working and what’s not. Reach out to past clients for honest reviews of your company – including those who might provide less-than-stellar reviews! Analyze your company performance numbers. Assess your website and communication materials. Honest feedback from content, employees, and (even unsatisfied) clients can lend valuable insight into the inner workings of your company. With these insights, you’ll be able to confidently claim what you’re doing well – and reassess and address what is not working. 

2. Don’t Worry About the Others.

All too often, clients come in saying they want to be just like the other guy when really what they need is to be different. They start comparing themselves to the company that won the contract they wanted or try to compete with another company’s specialty. It’s great to take a closer look at the competitor landscape to see what your clients and prospects may be seeing. If you’re lucky, you’ll notice some of your own strengths along with some real gaps, too. It’s often in these gaps where the greatest opportunities for change and growth lie. Look, yes. But don’t get caught up in “comparison-itis” (what if the entire industry is a little stale?). Instead, lean in to the areas where you are different. How can you be memorable within an oversaturated landscape of look-a-likes? What are the unique skills, experience, and perspectives that make your people, services, and brand stand out? Because the truth is, your reconceived brand might be exactly the change needed to forge a new path within the industry. 

3. Stay Authentically You.

I know “authenticity” is a word that’s been thrown around a lot in the world of business, but when it comes to giving your brand a refresh, it’s really the heart and soul of the whole operation. An authentic brand may seem elusive, but it’s actually quite simple. Authenticity is simply about being real, transparent, and consistent in your language, your “look,” and your behaviors. What you see is what you get. So how does a brand stay authentic? The people in charge make it a priority to lead as one. They lead with an unwavering vision. There’s clarity within the organization and beyond about what the core values are (more on that in a minute) and what is most important. Ultimately, by staying consistent and honest as a brand you earn trust and respect. And a reputation like that is worth its weight in gold. 

“Ultimately, by staying consistent and honest as a brand you earn trust and respect.”

4. Identify Your Core Values.

Until you understand your core values as a company, you can’t even scratch the surface of authenticity. When clients come to insight180 looking for a brand refresh, we get down to the nitty-gritty of truly understanding what makes them tick. What makes them good at what they do? What about this organization draws their top employees and clients to work with them? Where does the magic lie within their business, and their leaders, that makes them the best at what they do? Knowing their core values, what they stand for, and what they aspire to will help make tough branding decisions easier along their journey. The simple question “does this fit in with our core values?” is a type of compass throughout the process, helping to guide them down the right path and keep their priorities in line with who they are. 

5. Resist the Urge to Skip Ahead.

When it comes to brand strategy, doing the hard work in the beginning is paramount to success. Resist the urge to skip ahead to the fun stuff like a flashy new service or landing page. Taking the time to work on your brand building blocks — your core messaging — upfront will consistently inform all of the creative decisions down the line. Ultimately delivering a better result than you ever thought possible. Because when it comes to positioning and strategic branding, the magic formula for success is four parts strategy to one part design. By doing the research, writing, and strategy work at the beginning of the process, you will understand your brand’s needs and desires so much better – which will in turn make the design process inspired. 

Tackling a brand refresh and need some help? Reach out to insight180 to further the conversation. We’d love to help you cross that finish line!



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