When thinking of uniquely Maryland brands, a few that always come to mind are Under Armour, Natty Boh and of course, Old Bay. Marylanders are known for their brand loyalty. Search Instagram and Twitter for #oldbay and you’ll find hundreds of photos of people showing their Maryland pride with their favorite seasoning blend.
Q2: the bal’mertini. A Maryland classic. Natty BOH with an old bay rim. #TL_Chat pic.twitter.com/44xYQOoSac
— Joe Cicala (@Joe_Cicala) July 15, 2014
Old Bay Every Day #OldBay pic.twitter.com/6IsSNrWXfY
— Sean Bredbenner (@SeanBredbenner) August 7, 2014
On the menu this evening: Maryland crabs and #oldbay summer ale! pic.twitter.com/tWUNZQH5x6
— Stacey Miller (@staceylamiller) August 9, 2014
Summer day in Maryland with great friends, crabs & beer. Doesn’t get any better. #OldBay @HeavySeasBeer pic.twitter.com/L3lqVj5uTl
— Randi Hogan (@Randi_Hogan) August 3, 2014
While you probably already know that Marylanders will put Old Bay on almost anything, did you know these five facts about Old Bay’s origin?
5 Facts About Baltimore Brand Old Bay
1.) The founder of Old Bay, Gustav Brunn, was not a Baltimore native. Brunn and his family were German Jews who came to Baltimore in 1938 as escapees of Nazi Germany.
2.) Ever wonder exactly what is in the Old Bay blend? The mix includes mustard, paprika, celery salt, bay leaf, black pepper, crushed red pepper flakes, mace, cloves, allspice, nutmeg, cardamom and ginger.
3.) According to Wikipedia, in the era of Old Bay’s conception, crabs were so plentiful that bars in Baltimore offered them free and seasonings like Old Bay were created to encourage patrons to purchase more beverages.
4.) Brunn’s blend was originally named Delicious Brand Shrimp and Crab Seasoning. After the war, he renamed it Old Bay, the nickname of the Baltimore Steam Packet Co., which ran ships from Baltimore to Norfolk.
5.) Old Bay was bought by Mccormick & Company in 1990, which is ironic because Brunn worked for them when he first came to Baltimore…for less than a week. Gustav’s son Ralph Brunn claims that his father was fired because he was Jewish.
The Iconic Old Bay Brand
So what is it that makes Old Bay so iconic? Is it the classic design that’s reminiscent of yesteryear? Is it the concept that Old Bay is what unites Marylanders? The Old Bay brand certainly wants you to feel that way. While it is now owned by one of the largest manufacturers of spices and herbs in the world, the Old Bay brand marketing continues to seek Baltimoreans as their target market. Check out these TV spots:
“If this can could talk it would tell you about the generations that have gathered in backyards, and screened porches, and dining rooms to celebrate the original flavor of Baltimore.”
“Old Bay–for 75 years, it’s been the can that connects us.”