It seems that we get more and more emails every day. Still, email remains a crucial channel for engaging with clients and an effective tool for driving sales. We pulled together some of the top marketing statistics from Constant Contact, MyEmma, and MailChimp group email service providers. Here are eight tips to help you get the most from your small business email marketing program.
1. Email open rates from mobile devices have grown by more than 100 percent since 2011.
Email marketing is a great way to reach clients, even when they’re on the go. Checking email on our phones is the first thing we do in the morning (see next stat).
Be sure your emailer is mobile-friendly.
2. 58% of adults check email first thing in the morning.
Automated and scheduled emails can arrive at just the right time, without tying you or your team to the clock.
Send or schedule your emails for early in the day for the greatest engagement.
3. According to 80 percent of professionals, email marketing drives customer acquisition and retention.
This means, plain and simple, email grows your business. With email marketing, clients will come to you for their needs and stay with you when needs arise again.
Make sure you have email/newsletter sign-ups readily available on your website.
4. 61 percent of consumers enjoy receiving promotional emails weekly. 38 percent would like emails to come even more frequently.
We found this statistic shocking. Since we seem to be overloaded with emails, maybe that’s actually a good thing. It’s recommended that an email series should look like this: 1. Announcement 2. Reminder 3. Last chance
When consumers have opted in, they appreciate relevant reminders. This is something to keep in mind the next time you’re fretting that clients will get turned off by sending emails too often.
Build your email campaigns with scheduled reminders, to keep your interested customers informed.
5. 21 percent of opened emails are opened within the very first hour of delivery.
By the end of hour three, that number jumps up to nearly 41 percent. Email helps you reach your customers as fast as possible. You might think that the immediacy of social media has overtaken email as the fastest way to reach new and current clients. But the truth is, the ping of an email will get a faster response than something posted online.
Use email as part of your integrated digital marketing outreach. You’ll reach some people right away!
6. 80% of people are only scanning your email.
Keep in mind that people often only see or read the top line of your email. Capture the big idea of your email with a bold image and a strong headline.
Create a subject line that is catchy, unique, and welcoming.
7. The average email open rate across all industries is 21.33%.
Open rates are one of the best ways to tell whether your email strategy is working. This number shows what percentage of your audience that opens your emails. If you have a higher open rate, it usually means your subject lines resonate with your audience — or that you’ve built a reputation for sending informative, helpful, relevant emails.
Monitor your own email open rates to see which headlines and content works best.
8. The average click rate for all industries is 2.62%
Click rates essentially tell you how many of your subscribers find your campaign content useful. To improve your click rate, you’ll need to create content that’s useful to more subscribers. Like open rates, you can sometimes accomplish higher click rates by targeting specific content to a smaller, segmented audience. Also, test a few alternaties for your link text and content blocks, to see which work best.
Try targeting specific content to a smaller audience segments, to make the information relevant to that segment.
Keep these stats and tips in mind when creating your next email campaign. One bonus tip, from our team to yours: be sure to have one clear call to action, inviting your audience to take the next step.
Looking for guidance on your email marketing strategy? Need a helping hand to create compelling, timely marketing emails? Contact insight180! We love helping clients to define their brands and put it into action.
This blog is an update to our 2015 blog: 18 Must-Know Email Stats.