Missed the memo? New Year’s Musings 2021

Missed the memo? New Year’s Musings 2021

Missed the memo? New Year’s Musings 2021

There’s no doubt about it, it’s been another unusual year. In this time for missives, musings, reflections… whatever you call them, I’ve been thinking a lot about pausing, purpose, awareness, and intentionality. So pardon me while I ramble.

In 2020, I apparently missed the memo. I didn’t bake sourdough bread, put together jigsaw puzzles, or binge on Netflix (well, rarely!). Rather than pausing, I pushed harder. Rather than resting and replenishing, I got “busier.” Truth be told, I spent much of my time worrying about my family and my team and my clients and my neighbors and frontline workers and… well, you get the picture. 

Interestingly, when vaccines came out this year, and the weather warmed up, and it looked like we might get out and about again, something shifted for me. It was then that I think I started to relax a bit — but perhaps not how you might think. Now that we had more choices with how to use our time and energy, I was very protective of my own. Even though I got a late start, my meditation and other self-care habits had become priorities. Finding joy and delight every day was right up there, too. And while these were apparent to me before, in 2021 they became non-negotiables — and I became more intentional and aligned.

What did I notice? I became way more in tune with my own energy (and that of others). What was mine and what was not. This awareness helped me tune in to what was truly important vs. urgent. It helped me determine what energized and replenished me vs. what (and who) depleted me. It helped me know when to stop for the day so that I could truly recharge. And I gave myself permission to chill, to play a little, to sing, to go on more walks. I got better at saying no to things that were not in alignment.

When I paused, played, and tapped into this awareness, it brought me new and different insights and even a sense of peace. Lovely. I think, too, it allowed me to show up more fully for my clients and team. This past year taught me more about being on purpose and taking responsibility for the energy I bring into a room, a zoom meeting, a project or a phone call. And I’m very aware and appreciative when I notice others doing the same.

I’m not sure if conscious capitalism is still on the rise, but this tumultuous time has certainly had many businesses taking a good, hard look at how they lead and how they operate. As someone who has been involved in the Conscious Capitalism movement for years, defining it remains elusive. Our local chapter describes itself as a purpose-driven business community that promotes the power of capitalism to create positive change, do good, and elevate humanity. It places value on conscious leadership and culture, along with higher purpose and stakeholder orientation. The leaders involved in the C3MD chapter emulate compassion, discernment, kindness and integrity, and I feel fortunate to lead and learn with them.

I love what I’ve been reading about Humane Entrepreneurship, companies whose top management and administration embody the cultural values of empathy, equity, empowerment, and enablement for their employees.

Whatever one calls it, I’d like to see more of it. We are drawn to these forward-thinking and purpose-driven people and organizations. It reminds me of the importance of being our authentic selves in business, especially as the world continues to shift. This is probably why brand work feels so in alignment for me. We are helping our clients gain brand clarity and amplify what is most important. We ask things like what would light you up (related to their business). What is your superpower? What sets you apart (or what do you wish would set you apart)? What kind of impact do you want to have in the world? It starts with identifying core values, playing to strengths and uncovering what is unique and wonderful about them. We help individuals, businesses and organizations remember who they are and how they want to change the world. To be “on purpose.”

I’m excited about 2022. As a company we are strong. We are in alignment. We are working with some wonderful, purpose-driven organizations. We are grateful.

I end by sharing these 10 Commandments of Conscious Business from Jonathan Fields. It’s been 10 years since I discovered Jonathan and the Good Life Project. He had written an end-of-year missive that led the charge for conscious and compassionate business for more than a decade, and continues to interview visionaries who live to change the way people relate. Some of the best coaches, leaders, human beings I know, I’ve met through my relationship with Good Life Project (and Camp GLP!).

10 Commandments of Conscious Business

Thou shalt have a strategy, but be open to serendipity

Thou shalt train the mind in the alchemy of fear

Thou shalt find or purchase a sense of humor

Thou shalt to do epic shit that actually matters

Thou shalt align thy actions with thy heart

Thou shalt embrace the power of mentoring

Thou shalt treat people with compassion

Thou shalt exalt love as a business ideal

Thou shalt magnify results with delight

Thou shalt lead with service and soul

I still love it.

Wishing you peace, purpose, joy and alignment in 2022 and always.

—Wendy Baird, president

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