Introducing insight180’s New Client Communications Manager

Introducing insight180’s New Client Communications Manager

Introducing insight180’s New Client Communications Manager

We’re happy to introduce Andrea Kagey, insight180’s new Client Communications Manager. While she may be new to Maryland, Andrea is no stranger to the world of story, an important part of the branding process. Going through a bit of a personal “rebrand” herself, Andrea brings a fresh perspective, years of client experience, and unmatched enthusiasm to the role. In this blog, she tells us all about the windy path that led her to our team.

This is your first time working in a creative agency. Where were you before?

Oh gosh, how long have you got? I took sort of a unique path over the last 20 years and I still feel like I’m on a journey. I started my career straight out of college, moving to Los Angeles and working in the entertainment industry. First as an executive assistant, then shifting into writers rooms for television shows, and eventually fulfilling my dream as a television writer myself. I feel really fortunate for the opportunities to work alongside so many creative and talented people. The whole experience really influenced my process and style as a writer and collaborator.

What made you interested in television writing?

The drama! I’ve always had an overactive imagination and would get really sucked into shows with great characters and compelling stories, even as a kid.

Maryland isn’t exactly close to Hollywood. What brought you here?

My husband and I wanted to raise our kids closer to family and, ultimately, we realized that a career in television production wasn’t fulfilling for us anymore. Plus, I’ve spent the better part of the last 10 years building my freelance business as a content creator and copywriter with SEO experience and wanted to explore more of those opportunities.

What’s the secret sauce you bring to all of your projects?

I’m good at reading people, understanding what they want, and capturing the “voice” and “tone” they want to communicate to their audience. As a television writer, you really have to understand the characters you’re writing for and their unique voices and perspectives. I don’t think content writing, or branding for that matter, is much different. You have a client who’s telling their story in their own unique way. Once you get a handle on that, you can really understand what they need to say to reach their audience, regardless of the medium.

How do you spend your time outside of work?

We’re new to the state of Maryland — well, my husband grew up here, but for me, it’s all new — so we’ve been trying to get out more and explore now that COVID restrictions are lifting. I also have two kids in elementary school, so I’d never say that I have a lot of “downtime” to myself, but when I do I like going for walks and listening to podcasts, or binging a character-driven show on Netflix.

What makes you laugh?

My family. My husband and I have so many “inside jokes” together it’s like our own language at this point. And I think my kids are pretty funny too. They don’t even know when they’re being funny half the time but they make me laugh every day.

What excites you about being our Client Communications Manager?

It’s a position that utilizes some of my best skills — writing, collaborating, brainstorming ‘big picture’ strategies — but offers a lot of opportunities to learn. It’s a position that’s growing and changing as the company grows and I think that’s exciting.

What drew you to insight180?

The people and the mission. I love that insight180 is a purpose-driven, woman-owned business that’s intentionally choosing to work with clients that are making a difference in their industries. I want to be a part of those stories!

Thanks for sharing, Andrea! We are so excited to have you as a part of the insight180 team!



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