What is it about some companies? You know the ones . . . the companies that you want to see do well, that you love working with, that you’re loyal to, or that you’re rooting for because they are special in some way. Sure it probably starts with a good product or service—but it’s way more than that, because lots of businesses offer good products or services. Is it good marketing? Well, sometimes good marketing helps, but it goes more to the core of an organization. We believe that these are the companies that have a clear and specific vision about why they exist (and it’s not just about making money) and are able to articulate it beautifully.
Call it delight, or passion, or inspiration, but in some way these companies are able to cut through all of the marketing clutter, brand jargon, service comparisons, or special deals and offer us a view of the world that is irresistible. They are clear about who they are, what they are best at and why they do what they do. They are different and authentic. They, and their clients and admirers in turn, know what they stand for.
Can you say the same? It’s been an interesting journey for our company. When Insight180 first started in business in 1999, we were focused mostly on print design projects and corporate identity. We knew we were in business to bring other’s businesses to life in a visual way. We were particularly drawn to companies with creative, passionate leaders or causes, and quickly discovered a niche in corporate social responsibility reports. There was something very inspiring about working for the companies that were different, that had a very particular vision or passion, or that wanted to do more than just sell a product. As we evolved into a brand consulting firm, it became clear that many companies knew what they wanted to sell or promote and even how they might want to do that, but oftentimes they didn’t know or look at how they were different, what set them apart or why their audiences should even care. Or at least they couldn’t articulate it. And that’s where we came in. At the core of what we do, we help companies figure out what they believe, what makes them different, and what is authentically unique about them, and then help them articulate it visually and with clear language.
We recently discovered Simon Sinek, a speaker, consultant and author who teaches leaders and organizations how to inspire people on a TEDx video. He claims that all organizations and careers function on three levels: what you do, how you do it and why you do it. The problem is, very few know WHY they do what they do. (And, money is not a WHY, it’s a result.)
While most individuals and companies can state what they do (or sell), and even how they do it (maybe even better than others), most can’t or don’t state why. What’s your purpose? Why does your organization exist? Why do you offer the products and services you do? And why should anyone care?
He goes on to share examples. The leaders and companies that really inspire us to think, act and communicate are driven with WHY they do it, acting from the inside out (Why > How > What) vs. the other way around (What > How > Why).
Think Apple. If they were like everyone else, they’d state:
What: we make great computers, phones, mp3 players
How: they are beautifully designed, user-friendly, simple to use
Why: Want to buy one?
But, they start with and emphasize the WHY.
Why: In everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo. We believe in thinking differently.
How: The way we do this is by making them beautifully designed, user-friendly and simple to use
What: We just happen to make great computers … want to buy one?
People don’t just buy what you do, but why you do it. In some way, it’s about the personal or gut level connection they make with you or their product. When there is a WHY behind a product offering that’s compelling, different or authentic, it is then that you can begin to make a true connection with your clients.
Now, Simon goes into the brain’s makeup and biology to explain this. But, in a nutshell, the same part of the brain that processes trust, loyalty and human behavior and speaks to the WHY (as opposed to the part of the brain that processes facts, figures, language and analytical thought), is also the part of the brain that rules decision making. Powerful stuff.
So are you doing the same old thing and only focusing on the WHAT or are you really connecting on that authentic level with your clients, prospects, shareholders? Think WHY.
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