While giving as an individual is always rewarding, making charitable giving a part of your business’s brand culture can have an even bigger impact on the causes you believe in. Using your position and the platform of your organization to lift up causes and nonprofits you support is a great way to strengthen connections within your community and amongst your employees. In truth, the benefits of charitable giving as a business go far beyond the bottom line. Read on to find out more about the benefits of giving back.
Team insight180’s Summer Book Round-Up
In honor of National Book Lover’s Day, we created a summer reading roundup of the books that are keeping us sane and happy this summer. Read on for our suggestions of great beach reads this summer and enjoy a little mental health vacation (even if you can only squeeze it in after a long day at the office).
How to Unplug to Recharge: Tips from Team insight180
The practice of "unplugging" may seem like checking out, but the truth it can be the best way to make yourself more productive. Learn the benefits of unplugging and tips on how to do it in this blog post from team insight180.
5 Keys to an Effective Social Media Strategy That’s True to Your Brand
Social media can be a valuable marketing tool for a brand, but only if you have a strong social media strategy in place. Read on for the social media guidelines we recommend to all of our clients.
Introducing insight180’s New Client Communications Manager
We’re happy to introduce Andrea Kagey, insight180’s new Client Communications Manager. While she may be new to Maryland, Andrea is no stranger to the world of story, an important part of the branding process. Going through a bit of a personal “rebrand” herself, Andrea brings a fresh perspective, years of client experience, and unmatched enthusiasm to the role. In this blog, she tells us all about the windy path that led her to our team.
A Valentine’s Day Tradition to Love!
“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.”
~ Charles M. Schulz
Fun Finds
So much has changed in the past year. New things are catching our eye. The insight180 team has once again gathered a few design-inspired items that capture some of the movements and moments of today. From Disney World and the Olympic logos to generational aging trends and post-pandemic design trends, we hope these creative “finds” bring you some enjoyment and inspiration. What’s something you’ve been noticing?
As a business owner, you already know that to serve your clients best, you must first understand them. Chances are, you do. You’ve crunched the numbers, analyzed the data, and modified your products or services time and time again to get them exactly where you need them to be. Or, rather, you’ve refined your services to specifically meet the needs of your clients.
Spread the love! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Every year, we like to celebrate Valentine’s Day by creating our own fun, design-inspired digital cards. It’s our way of virtually sharing the love! Here are some of our favorites that you can post. Share a card or two on your Facebook page to spread some love of your own. Simply click on the card image in our blog to share directly to Facebook, tagging the one(s) you love. Tag us, too, so we can see how you’re celebrating this year! Be sure to check out our cards from 2020, 2019, 2018, and 2017, too! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Fun Finds
Often, it’s the little things, the ordinary, the unexpected encounters that spark our imaginations. A surprise find can lift us and elevate whatever comes next (especially this year with its many unexpected challenges). That’s certainly true for our insight180 team. We’re delighted to share just a few of our Fun Finds with you here. Enjoy exploring what caught our attention. We’re hoping some of our discoveries will inspire you, too.
Staying Connected, Staying Well.
How are you doing? No, really. To claim that it’s “business as usual” would be denying the extraordinary circumstances we are experiencing collectively. We are very aware of new challenges to so many people and systems these days. And yet, we’re inspired. We’ve observed incredible innovation and beautiful acts of kindness that we wanted to shine a light on. Our social media pages are alive with posts celebrating what’s good in the world. And we created some great reminders of our own about self-care and well-being to share. From our families to yours, take a look, and take good care! Feel free to share the posts that speak to you. We hope they make your days brighter, too. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for more positivity!
Scam, Bam, No Thank You, Man!
The time had come! Our QuickBooks Desktop version was expiring and we needed to decide whether to stay with the desktop version or move to QuickBooks Online. I was really excited about making the switch to online! This would mean being able to access insight180 work remotely, also allowing our accountant to access remotely and giving us the capability to offer direct deposit to our employees. Gone would be the days of having to be physically “with” the computer designated as the QB computer. OK, maybe not exciting to everyone, but I love streamlining!