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Facebook Graph Search: What It Means For B2B

Facebook Graph Search: What It Means For B2B

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Why Likes Have Just Become More Important.

The hype is under way as an enticing new feature called Graph Search continues to be rolled out by Facebook, and the question on everyone’s mind is, “how can we utilize this new feature to optimize our business’ social media presence?” Besides being an ingenious incentive developed by the social network giant to encourage businesses to spend more time on its site, Graph Search has some interesting features which may shake up the way people make decisions. Although Graph Search is not a search engine which combs the entire internet, it does search the content that people on Facebook put on their pages (likes, check-ins, etc). Graph Search enables users to search for business pages, photos and people and, in the results, see how they are connected to those items through their friends or even through their friends of friends.

Shifts. Shake-ups. Showpiece.: insight180 Newsletter February 2013

Shifts. Shake-ups. Showpiece.: insight180 Newsletter February 2013

Shifting Perspectives
By Wendy Baird

Hard to believe the first month of the new year has come and gone. With one twelfth of the year over, are you following the vision you set out for the year, holding to your resolutions, meeting your goals? Actually, this year in the onslaught of posts about planning, predicting and creating visions to start off right, I was struck by the number of people who were abandoning the idea of resolutions altogether and trying something different. Instead, some are working on creating new habits slowly and gradually, choosing a word or theme for the year, or choosing a book (or three, like in Chris Brogan’s Three Book Diet) to read and truly implement to influence leadership or success in their lives.

Insight180 Gets In The Ravens Spirit!

Insight180 Gets In The Ravens Spirit!

Go Ravens!

Insight180 president Wendy Baird (a singer in her other life) couldn’t resist lending a hand (well, her voice) with a different kind of Ravens’ fight song. What fun! Kudos to BSO musician Jonathan Jensen for being the creative mind behind it!

Now. Not. New.: insight180 January 2013 Newsletter

Now. Not. New.: insight180 January 2013 Newsletter

Will ’13 Be a Lucky Year?
By Chris Quinn

Let’s see. Hurricane Sandy. The end of the world. The fiscal cliff. 2012 was certainly a year and a half, wasn’t it?! Whether or not 13 turns out to be a lucky number or not remains to be seen. But I, for one, think there’s reason for optimism. We’re seeing many of our clients make significant progress in their businesses and we see hope on the horizon for the advisory business sector.