Choosing a name for your business is one of the most important decisions you will make. Regardless of your industry, it needs to make an impression. Be memorable. Maybe have a little something to do with what you do. You might want it to be somewhat catchy or clever. Regardless of the vibe, what’s most important is that you are able to craft a narrative around your name that resonates with your identity, connects with your audience, and stands the test of time. At insight180, we understand the power of a name because we’ve been helping to name businesses, processes, and events for more than 20 years.
Embracing the Work/Life Blur: Insights from My Italian Adventure
In a world that increasingly blurs the lines between work and leisure, I embarked on a three-week journey to Italy, not just for the allure of its historical charm, beautiful views, and amazing food and wine, but as a personal experiment in remote work. Could I be productive and partially connected to work AND truly enjoy time away for travel and renewal?
When it comes to marketing and communications there’s lots of talk about brand alignment, core values, and brand authenticity. The truth is, those have always been important, but the more virtual and online our lives have become, the more we seek genuine connection and authenticity. Your customers, audience, or clientele need experiences that are transparent, real, and engaging. They want trust in the buying experience and the brands they support to – quite frankly, my dear – give a damn.
What if you could redesign your brand vision based around your ideal business? What would it look like? What value will you provide? Who would your best customers be? By starting with your brand vision, and then re-envisioning it, your true brand will show itself. Read more on our blog post.
When you make visitors and potential clients search on your website to find out what it is you do or how you can help them, you’re running the risk of losing them altogether. Unless you are a marketing-savvy emerging tech company touting a unique new service, you are probably coming off as one of many in a sea of sameness. How does your brand set you apart? How does your organization position itself? How do you express it? And why does this matter? Read on to find out why your brand positioning is weak and how you can fix it.
Ready to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone? Try Ignite!
As a professional, growth often comes with experience in the field, mentor feedback, and educational opportunities. And, while we may experience bouts of discomfort along the way, most of what we do remains familiar and comfortable to our skill sets. It’s when we take a chance and step out of our comfort zone that the opportunity to grow and learn presents itself.
The What and Why of Core Values for Your Brand
I was recently asked why defining core values is important to an organization, and more specifically, how they influence a brand. I would counter, what’s the purpose in existing as an organization if core values aren’t driving it? While profitability and stakeholder responsibilities are what keep the lights on for any company, core values are what support the vision, define company culture and help align an organization and the people who work there.
What’s In a Name? (More Than You Think!)
I recently had the opportunity to lead a branding discussion at the Maryland Innovation Center and, amongst all of the great questions, one in particular stood out to me and my team, “What’s the story behind your name, insight180?” Honestly, I love it when people ask about our name. It gives us an opportunity to elaborate on who we are, how we’ve evolved, and who we’re becoming. It helps us tell our unique story, something we really appreciate in a good brand name. A good name can do many things: evoke an emotion (like trust or confidence); relay a purpose; create some fun and elicit curiosity. Still, other brand names may be less than inspiring but too established to change (like GEICO – what the heck does that even mean?).
5 Brand Refresh Do’s and Don’ts to Keep You Focused
Building a successful brand – like the business it represents – is not unlike training for a race. It’s more of a marathon than a sprint. You’re not going to break out of the gate at top speed. Instead, you’ll build a steady, sustainable pace that gets you closer and closer to that finish line so that when the time comes, you can finish strong.
Missed the memo? New Year’s Musings 2021
There’s no doubt about it, it’s been another unusual year. In this time for missives, musings, reflections… whatever you call them, I’ve been thinking a lot about pausing, purpose, awareness, and intentionality. So pardon me while I ramble.
Spring Cleaning Your Marketing
The last 12 months have made many of us masters of remote working. Our marketing materials should reflect mastery, as well. Most of us are relying a bit more on PowerPoints and electronic presentations. How do yours stack up? With the promise of spring (and vaccinations well underway), now is the perfect time to make a fresh start. To do a little spring cleaning on your marketing or your website look and feel, perhaps? Here are four areas that you might want to clean up or refresh now, so you’re ready to roll when we’re all meeting in person again.
20 Things We Celebrate About 2020
Back in January, the insight180 team was excited for the promise of 2020. No, really! We were busier than ever, exhilarated by the work we were doing, and making plans to celebrate our 20th anniversary in business this year! Woo hoo! In late February, I personally experienced the trip of a lifetime traveling to Costa Rica for what was truly an epic business/connection retreat. I returned home on March 3rd and by March 13th, Maryland was in lockdown. My team, our clients, and basically everybody we know were thrust into new territory, making huge adjustments to the way we lived and worked. Fear and uncertainty became part of the daily narrative.