Blog : marketing

Influence Marketing for B2B and Advisory

Influence Marketing for B2B and Advisory

Influence Marketing Is…

Although a potentially “hot topic” in content marketing, Influence marketing has been around since the days of greek curators and royal or celebrity endorsements of soaps and beverages in the late 1800’s. Today, we’d defind Influence Marketing as the act of engaging with current and potential leaders in your industry in order to gain ranks as a leader yourself, to increase meaningful activity on social media platforms, as well as to build your digital (and face-to-face) community of brand advocates.

The "Free" Phenomenon

The "Free" Phenomenon

I’m a pretty old dog. I’ve been in the branding and marketing business for over 30 years, so I tend to think I’ve seen most everything. But it’s been impossible for a while now not to notice a phenomenon that I really thought I’d never see — working for free. We’re surrounded with free access to really complex services. Facebook is free. Twitter is free. Even hosting has become practically free.

Building Your Brand One Interaction at a Time

Building Your Brand One Interaction at a Time

coordinated response website screen shot

Sometimes a gift just falls in your lap (or lands in your email box). As I was contemplating a branding blog post I was working on this morning, I received this email from one of our advisory firm clients. What a pleasure when one’s work is truly appreciated, and even better when the client really “gets” it. There are some really great insights here, and I share with his permission:

Hey, Wendy:

I’m reading a book and insight180 came to mind. The Art of Doing: How Superachievers Do what They Do and How They Do It So Well, by Camille Sweeney & Josh Gosfield. The book features interviews with respected, high profile professionals about how they do what they do. I heard the authors interviewed on two different radio programs during their book tour.

Baked not Frosted

Baked not Frosted

I recently heard a reference about branding and marketing that really stuck in my head. It expresses so well just how to think about branding and marketing as it relates to building a business.

Facebook Graph Search: What It Means For B2B

Facebook Graph Search: What It Means For B2B

Like us on Facebook

Why Likes Have Just Become More Important.

The hype is under way as an enticing new feature called Graph Search continues to be rolled out by Facebook, and the question on everyone’s mind is, “how can we utilize this new feature to optimize our business’ social media presence?” Besides being an ingenious incentive developed by the social network giant to encourage businesses to spend more time on its site, Graph Search has some interesting features which may shake up the way people make decisions. Although Graph Search is not a search engine which combs the entire internet, it does search the content that people on Facebook put on their pages (likes, check-ins, etc). Graph Search enables users to search for business pages, photos and people and, in the results, see how they are connected to those items through their friends or even through their friends of friends.

Avoiding Marketing’s Shiny Object Syndrome

Avoiding Marketing’s Shiny Object Syndrome

We’ve all experienced it at one time or another – that uncontrollable urge to spend time or money on the latest gizmo, app, online tool, trick or offer. Remember Dug, the adorable talking golden retriever from Pixar Disney’s movie, Up, who in the midst of conversation would become distracted and exclaim, “Squirrel!?” You may chuckle, but Shiny Object Syndrome (SOS) occurs all the time, including in our marketing.