Blog : Tools

Free Online Alternatives to Photoshop

Free Online Alternatives to Photoshop

Want to turn boring images into better, more eye-catching visual masterpieces for your blog and social media posts but don’t want to invest hundreds of dollars on Photoshop? Then this post is definitely for you. There is no reason why our clients can’t add photos to their websites and social media sites on their own. Actually we encourage it. That is after all, why we have turned to WordPress to create all of our websites. It makes it so you, as the client can edit your website and and add photos on your own without always having to ask us for help.

Basic HTML You Should Know

Basic HTML You Should Know

One of the neat things about a WordPress website or blog is that you don’t need to have any coding skills. Whether you’re running a simple blog or a business website, you can get by just fine without knowing code. The array of built-in features and customization options that come with most plugins and themes enable you to create a site that makes you look like a programming whiz.

Spring Cleaning Your Website

Spring Cleaning Your Website

The temperatures are finally rising and it is starting to really feel like spring around here! I don’t know about you but I am extremely excited to hear the sounds of birds chirping and am thoroughly enjoying watching the trees and flowers start to bloom. It makes me smile. There is just something about spring that makes me feel refreshed. Maybe it’s the annual spring cleaning that happens around my house every year.

The Ultimate List of Content Creation Tools for 2014

The Ultimate List of Content Creation Tools for 2014

The Ultimate List of Content Creation Tools for 2014

A large part of creating a great blog and engaging social media posts is having great content. If your company is creating useful, relevant content that your audience wants to see, share and interact with, you’ll grow your audience, see more engagement and establish yourself as thought leaders in your field. Not to mention all the SEO benefits. Some of the best ways to create content are through images, videos, screencasts and webinars. If you don’t have design skills, you might have been using MS Paint, Word or PowerPoint to create anything visual. Please, close Paint and take a look at our article on Social Media Today, “The Ultimate List of Content Creation Tools for 2014.”