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Welcoming our new summer intern, Rachel!

Welcoming our new summer intern, Rachel!

Insight180 would like to welcome our summer intern, Rachel! Rachel is a rising senior at Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, where she double majors in Journalism and Communication Studies. While learning about the industry, Rachel will be writing website copy for new projects, doing community outreach for upcoming events, writing press releases, and helping manage client’s social media. Previously interning with The National Archives and writing for publications such as Dormify, Her Campus and her university newspaper, Rachel is excited to bring her love of writing to Insight180.

Basic HTML You Should Know

Basic HTML You Should Know

One of the neat things about a WordPress website or blog is that you don’t need to have any coding skills. Whether you’re running a simple blog or a business website, you can get by just fine without knowing code. The array of built-in features and customization options that come with most plugins and themes enable you to create a site that makes you look like a programming whiz.

Sept. 20th is NFRC's 10th Annual 5K Race, 1 Mile Walk & Family Fun Day

Sept. 20th is NFRC's 10th Annual 5K Race, 1 Mile Walk & Family Fun Day

This year, insight180 is supporting the National Family Resiliency Center (NFRC), a Columbia, MD non-profit organization, in their annual event, 5 for Families. Five for Families is a 5K Run, 1 Mile Walk and Family Fun Day at the Lakefront in Columbia, MD, directly across from Columbia Mall near Clyde’s Restaurant and the newly opened Petit Louis. All ages are invited to participate with awards and trophies given out to winners in various age categories. You can register for the 5K run or 1-mile walk on

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet on File Formats

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet on File Formats

As a designer, I am constantly asking clients for images to help me better promote their brand. Whether it be their logo or photos of their staff and/or events, it’s not at all unusual that I receive images that are unuseable, and when I try to explain why, clients often seem stunned or confused. After all, the images are digital, so can’t they just be converted? Often, the answer is no, they can’t. File formats exist to serve different circumstances for use, which by nature, makes them not right for all uses and circumstances. I hope the following “cheat sheet” helps to clear up some of the confusion.

Seven tips for coming up with great content when you're stuck

Seven tips for coming up with great content when you're stuck

the content conundrum. how to get ideas

Where do you come up with content?

It’s that time. You know you need to write another blog post, but you’re just not feeling it. Where do you start? If you are an expert advisory firm, you are aware of the importance of providing valuable thought leadership, also known as lead-generating content. Your website needs to substantiate the work you do for your clients. When a prospect who is “on the fence” about your services comes across your site, your content can make the difference.

Conscious Leadership Connection

Conscious Leadership Connection

conscious leadership

Conscious leadership. . . .and what makes a great client

Insight180 has been in business for almost 15 years, and during that time we’ve worked with so many different kinds of clients. From startups, restaurants, brewers, retailers and solopreneurs to large membership organizations, public-private partnerships, Fortune 500 companies and international nonprofits, we have been very fortunate to work with some truly great ones. Lately we’ve been focusing on advisory firms in the business-to-business arena, or those who sell the “invisible” — a complex service, consulting, program or idea.

Building Your Brand One Interaction at a Time

Building Your Brand One Interaction at a Time

coordinated response website screen shot

Sometimes a gift just falls in your lap (or lands in your email box). As I was contemplating a branding blog post I was working on this morning, I received this email from one of our advisory firm clients. What a pleasure when one’s work is truly appreciated, and even better when the client really “gets” it. There are some really great insights here, and I share with his permission:

Hey, Wendy:

I’m reading a book and insight180 came to mind. The Art of Doing: How Superachievers Do what They Do and How They Do It So Well, by Camille Sweeney & Josh Gosfield. The book features interviews with respected, high profile professionals about how they do what they do. I heard the authors interviewed on two different radio programs during their book tour.

Insight180 Gets In The Ravens Spirit!

Insight180 Gets In The Ravens Spirit!

Go Ravens!

Insight180 president Wendy Baird (a singer in her other life) couldn’t resist lending a hand (well, her voice) with a different kind of Ravens’ fight song. What fun! Kudos to BSO musician Jonathan Jensen for being the creative mind behind it!

Shifting perspectives

Shifting perspectives

shift key

Hard to believe the first month of the new year has come and gone. With one twelfth of the year over, are you following the vision you set out for the year, holding to your resolutions, meeting your goals? Actually, this year in the onslaught of posts about planning, predicting and creating visions to start off right, I was struck by the number of people who were abandoning the idea of resolutions altogether and trying something different. Instead, some are working on creating new habits slowly and gradually, choosing a word or theme for the year, or choosing a book (or three, like in Chris Brogan’s Three Book Diet) to read and truly implement to influence leadership or success in their lives.

The Branding of Santa

The Branding of Santa

With Christmas here again, I thought I’d share something I came across on a design blog I occasionally frequent called LogoDesignLove.  It’s a cute take on the branding of Santa. It was done by The Bond Agency for Icon Magazine. According to the post, there was “a general feeling at the (Bond) office that it was time for Santa Claus to get his act together. Belief in Santa Claus is at an all-time low. Confused by the thousands of different Santas out there, children don’t know what to think. Bond gave him a facelift and a few new guidelines to help boost his credibility.”

Brand Strategy: What’s your ONE big thing?

Brand Strategy: What’s your ONE big thing?

I was reminded this past week, on a few different occasions, that the art of positioning is based on the ability to narrow focus and to let go. In a meeting with a new client who was struggling to clearly define the services his company provided and to whom, it became clear that his biggest challenge was in positioning. In his attempt to be more service-oriented and have greater reach, the company tried to become too many things to too many types of customers, and the brand lost relevance.