One of the neat things about a WordPress website or blog is that you don’t need to have any coding skills. Whether you’re running a simple blog or a business website, you can get by just fine without knowing code. The array of built-in features and customization options that come with most plugins and themes enable you to create a site that makes you look like a programming whiz.
How to Keep Your WordPress Website Safe
Breaking News: Security Breach
It seems like every time I turn on the news there is a headline such as “Twitter Hack Breaches Thousands of Accounts” or “Security Breach Exposes 4.2M credit, Debit Cards.” With all these major consumer hackings lately, security has become a big tech topic in our everyday lives. According to a recently released Harris poll, three of five US adults who are online say they feel vulnerable to being hacked. I think the reason is that most people aren’t sure of the best way to keep their information and websites safe from this type of activity.
Spring Cleaning Your Website
The temperatures are finally rising and it is starting to really feel like spring around here! I don’t know about you but I am extremely excited to hear the sounds of birds chirping and am thoroughly enjoying watching the trees and flowers start to bloom. It makes me smile. There is just something about spring that makes me feel refreshed. Maybe it’s the annual spring cleaning that happens around my house every year.
5 Baltimore Eateries With Unique Branding
Good branding is all around us.
While we write much about the audience we serve, B2B professional services and advisory firms and nonprofits, we can learn much from the consumer branding all around us. Today we look at some food establishments. Remember, branding is not just a logo, a color scheme or graphics on your website. It’s a compilation of those things and more. Visual branding (logo, imagery, color scheme) is important but branding is also about messaging and how your audience feels about your business and the perception that prevails. If your company sends a message and makes a promise (we have the best crabcakes in Baltimore!) and delivers on that promise, your establishment is building brand trust.
Four Common Website Mistakes That Might Cost You Clients
Brand Identity: Line of Sight Logo and Website
Mobile's out. Responsive is in.
You can get whiplash from following web technology recommendations these days. So, let me try to simplify it a little.
It's not all about you.
We’ve all been there. You’re part of a great presentation or meeting among your peers or clients; great discussion ensues; wonderful, meaningful questions that apply to the whole group are being presented and answered and commented on; and then it happens. One person asks a question that pulls the focus away from the tremendous momentum that has been occurring and focuses on his or her specific issue. It sucks the energy from the room. Do you know what I’m talking about? It’s frustrating, discourteous and ultimately disheartening. Even masterful facilitators can find it difficult to get back on track. And that is a great reminder for those charged with developing website strategy and content. It’s not always all about you.
Landing Pages: Beyond the Basics
One of the keys to a successful landing page is making it easy for site visitors to share and pass on to others, which means making sharing options a focus on your page. That’s why it’s so important to omit your site’s navigation, footers and other common elements from the page. To reduce distraction to other pages and control focus on just what is being offered in the landing page and promoting it to others.
Landing Pages: The Basics
A landing page is a special, stripped-down page in your website that’s dedicated to capturing information about your site visitor. In order to entice your visitor to give you that information, landing pages usually contain special offers — like a free e-book, or other information product, or a special offer related to a product or service.
The Apple Store experience for your advisory business.
I recently treated myself to an ipad. But what I find myself thinking a lot about is just how nice my buying experience was with it. Add to that, the fact that half the businesses we work with have, at one point or another, asked us to make them the Apple of their industry. A daunting request. But we know what they are asking for when they say it. They want to be a leader, to be different, to be about more than just exchange of services for renumeration, but mostly I think they want to be liked and successful.