And, a new year begins. Rather than sitting and remembering the devastation of the Ellicott City Flood one year later, we decided to celebrate new beginnings!
Staff News: Introducing our new Digital Marketing Coordinator
Insight180 is happy to introduce our new digital marketing coordinator, Caroline Cerand! We are excited to have her on board and believe she will be a great asset to our team! Meet Caroline:
Insight180: Coming Full Circle
On that Saturday night, I had been in downtown Ellicott City to show a guest from Slovenia, Karin, our quaint little town. My long-time friend Carol would be leading a Sierra Club trip in the fall to Slovenia, so I invited her along for an opportunity to talk to a native. It had been a beautiful summer day, with a slight chance of rain in the forecast. As we drove around Ellicott City, it started pouring; and as we looked for parking, it became torrential. Though we decided not to stay, I did swing by the office to put out the sandbags in front of the office door and that of our business neighbor — as I had done so many times for so many storms in the past 16 years. By the time I dragged out the sandbags and got back to the car, my feet were covered with water. As we tried to get to higher ground, many side roads were already closed.