Check out woofer! The anti-twitter.

Check out woofer! The anti-twitter.

Check out woofer! The anti-twitter.

A new twitter is born. It’s not really a new and improved version. Nor is it the next best thing. It’s pretty much the same thing but different. It was created for those who like to delve more deeply into their thoughts. Those who find twitter to be too restrictive. On woofer, you’re required to have a minimum of 1,400 characters in your post. (Twitter limits you to a very brief 140.)

The site bears a strong resemblance to twitter and is intended, I think, to be a complement to twitter, not a correction or replacement for it. On woofer, the idea is not “microblogging” but “macroblogging.” It gives bloggers a place where they can fully develop their thoughts and messages — really sink their teeth into a subject.

Woofer states clearly that it isn’t affiliated with Twitter. It’s run by an entity called “Join the Company”, an organization that says it’s trying to offer more fully developed entertainment on the web. They provide three instructions on how to “woof.” 1. Be eloquent. 2. Use adverbs. 3. DEA (don’t ever abbreviate).

I like the sound of that. I’m intrigued by the idea of a place where writing can be fully developed; where ideas can flow freely; where language can be crafted. But mostly I like the idea of a no-acronym zone. Think I could get them to ban those annoying SMS codes? OMG, wouldn’t that be gr8. 🙂

– Chris



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