Creating a Strong Brand Presence with Social Media Graphics

Creating a Strong Brand Presence with Social Media Graphics

Creating a Strong Brand Presence with Social Media Graphics

When establishing a digital marketing plan for your business, creating visual elements beyond your logo alone is simply essential. With your competition working to grab the attention of your audience, text posts alone won’t cut it. Sure, you could use some pre-existing images from Pinterest, but that won’t help build YOUR brand among your audience like your very own branded social media graphics will.

For brands in their infancy, and even for brands who have been around for a while but are taking their first steps to grab the attention of a digital audience, brand consistency is very important. If you want to create recognition through color, logo, typography, etc., it has to be your own visual brand elements.

Here are a few key ways to optimize your graphics for brand recognition:

Stick to same color palette. It might be tempting to try out something out of the ordinary but when first building your brand, you want to train your audience to think of you when they see visual design elements of your brand. One brand that is good about keeping a consistent palette is Dove.

Staying with their white, blue, gold, and sometimes gray palette, Dove creates brand consistency that is easy for their audience to recognize.

Be consistent with fonts. Another way to keep brand consistency among your visual design elements is to stay consistent with the fonts you use.  Just as Dove sticks to the same colors, they also use the same sans serif font paired with the same or a similar script font. This further allows their audience to pick them out among the myriad of messaging they encounter every day.

Include your logo. By including your logo or an element of your logo in your branded social media graphics you can further ingrain your visual brand into the mind of your audience. However, since when you’re posting your graphics from social media your audience will see that it’s you who posted it by looking at your profile picture, this isn’t a huge necessity, so don’t use your logo unless it works within your composition.

Create a series. Creating a series of graphics which are visually similar can condition your audience to think of your brand right when they see it. One example of a series many brands create for social media is making use of quotes. Check out jewelry brand Alex and Ani’s #motivationnation series:

These sharable brand assets are the perfect way to build brand loyalty, create a deeper connection with your audience and also get some social interactions like “likes,” “shares,” “retweets,” etc.

We’ve worked with several clients on social media graphics to enrich their brands:

The Children’s Scholarship Fund Baltimore — Quotes on Education

Vangel Inc. — Earth Day Facts

The Connections Therapy Center

…and for us, Insight180’s Quotes on Branding and Design

In need of some brand graphics to include in your digital marketing efforts? Send us a note!



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