Creativity and achieving productive thought

Creativity and achieving productive thought

Creativity and achieving productive thought

There was a great article on creativity in Fast Company magazine recently. It was written by John Cleese of Monty Python fame. The legendary writer, actor, comedian has become a well-known student and speaker on creativity and how to cultivate it. It’s a wonderful article that will get you thinking, and maybe even give you justification to let go a bit, as he cites the power of the unconscious mind being vastly important not only in creative matters but effective decision making in complex situations.

“What you have to do is give yourself a place where you’re not going to be interrupted for about an hour, because it takes time for your thoughts to settle. You have to create boundaries of space and then you have to create boundaries of time. You need to give yourself the time to let these ideas come up because it deals in the confusion and images and very subtle things,” Cleese explains. The moment one gets anxious or interrupted (i.e. multi-tasking), one goes back into conscious thinking and impulsive action. Some great words of wisdom from a great creative mind.

— Wendy Baird, principal and president



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