Blog : Color

How to Navigate the World of Color for Your Brand

How to Navigate the World of Color for Your Brand

Some of the biggest brands in the world are immediately identifiable by color association alone. Think Starbucks green, Target red, UPS brown. These brands have made color a critical element of their process, a key consideration in their outreach efforts, and consistency across platforms, materials and devices is critical. Even for small and mid-size B2B companies, consistent color can work to your advantage. So how do you make sure you’re getting color right?

Using The Color Wheel

Using The Color Wheel

Being that we are currently doing some logo and branding for a client in the wine industry, I thought that exploring the world of color might be a fun topic. We have just about finished up our black and white logos for the client and it is almost time to show them some color options. However, the color options are a little tricky since it seems like most companies in the industry use the same old color palate. I know that when people think of wine they think of red, white and blush (pink) but the question is are these are only options and how do I get away from them?